Find new friends at Meet-ups.

Meet-ups are about doing what you love.
Meet-ups are one-time and recurring opportunities to gather around the things you love. Anyone can host a Meet-up and it can be centered around just about anything. Whether it’s gathering together for a meal, to serve your city, or have some fun, there’s a Meet-up for you.
If you’re not seeing something that matches your interests or availability, or if you’ve got a great idea that you want to share with others, you can host a Meet-up of your own. We’ll be happy to help you get that all set up.
Check out the current Meet-ups.
Anyone can attend a Meet-up, and because many of the Meet-ups are one-time events, the list is always changing.
Browse meet-upsHost
Start something new.
If you’re not finding a Meet-up that’s right for you or your schedule, we have good news: anyone can host a Meet-up!
Host a meet-upA Meet-up for Everyone
Take the kids to the park, host a wine night, get crafty, work out together; the opportunities are endless!
Ready to walk though a group study guide, a book of the Bible, or a video series? Invite some people to join you.
Getting a great group of people together to serve the 253 is a beautiful idea. What’s Jesus putting on your heart?
Have another idea? Wonderful! Tell us about it.

We’re People Just Like You
We’re People Just Like You

Everyone is welcome.
Seriously. Every week at Brooklake, Christians and non-Christians, seekers and skeptics, the fired-up and the burned-out all come together to learn the ins and outs of Jesus’ great invitation into a new life.